The current world of art is fighting against the increasing availability of a never ending flow of computer imagery- we download, we stream, we watch our computers and never get bored because it is constantly changing. But nothing can replace the captured moment found in a piece of art. And because of that, we need to continue to create and make art accessible for people. 

But, paintings are not fully alive until they have been seen, until the viewer creates the dialogue with the painting and brings it to life. The conversation that takes place between the artwork and the viewer brings a new aspect of life to the piece. Art is about connection, a dialogue, sharing of ideas. I paint with the hope of drawing the viewer into the landscape, striking a cord somewhere in the memory, encouraging thoughts to flow into interior spaces that speak.

I am a bit of a traveller, having lived in Canada, Scotland, Greece, and France, and have taken my inspirations from my surroundings. I currently live in Provence, France.